Brain tumours are now the biggest cancer killer of UK children!
Over the last 24 years, Charlie’s Challenge has helped fund many important research projects around the UK.
In collaboration with our sister charity, Ali’s Dream we have helped in the establishment of Brain Tumour Research’s first Centre of Excellence at the University of Portsmouth which we both continue to support.
We are a proud member of Brain Tumour Research which now has four research Centres of Excellence at Queen Mary University of London, Plymouth University, Imperial College as well as the University of Portsmouth.

Brain Tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer and yet just 1% of the national research spend on cancer has been allocated to this devastating disease.
There are over 120 different types of brain tumours.
Up to 40% of all cancers spread to the brain.
At present brain tumours cannot be prevented because their cause is still unknown.
The cure rate for most brain tumours is considerably lower than for most types of cancer.
Research offers the only real hope of improvements in the management and treatment of brain tumours.
Very few dedicated brain tumour research facilities exist in the UK.

Charlie’s Challenge was established in 1993 by Charlie Boutwood’s parents and became a charity in 1995. Its aim is to improve the outlook for children diagnosed with brain tumours. The inspiration behind its formation is Charlie, who was diagnosed as having a malignant brain tumour at 20 months.
Against the odds, Charlie made a remarkable recovery and now leads a normal life thanks to the dedicated care and treatment he received.
However, many other children have not been so fortunate and much more research is needed to cure this dreadful disease.
Brain Tumours are now the
biggest cancer killer of children
and the biggest cancer killer of adults under the age of 40. Yet only1% of all the cancer research money is spent on brain tumour research.
Money for brain tumour research is desperately needed to help find a cure.
Thank you for your support